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Bismilla Khan


l'instrument est un Chenay.

*en anglais : http://www.murad.pk/music/?p=342 Ustad Bismillah Khan on Shehnai Indian instrument
Ustad Bismillah Khan (1916-2006) was perhaps single handedly responsible for making the shehnai a famous and popular instrument and bringing it into the mainstream Indian classical music. He was credited with having almost monopoly over the instrument as he and the shehnai were almost synonymous. Bismillah Khan was born in a small village called Dumraon in the state of Bihar, on November 21, 1916. His early childhood was spent in Benares, on the banks of the Ganga, where his uncle was the official shehnai player in the famousVishwanath temple. His father was a musician for the Dumraon state.
He started his training under the guidance of his maternal uncle, Ali Bux, at the age of six. He often accompanied him to perform at marriage celebrations or music conferences. Bismillah Khan made a recording for the first time in 1930. However it was sold in the name of a relative, Vilayat Hussain, a more popular musician at the time. He made his first major public appearance in 1930 at the age of 14, when he played along with his uncle at the All India Music Conference in Allahabad. His second performance was at the Music Conference at the Lucknow exhibition, where he won a gold medal for his recital.
Bismillah Khan had the ability to produce intricate sound patterns on theshehnai which, till before his time, were considered impossible on this instrument. The Government of India bestowed on him the title Padma Shree in 1961, and later, the Padma Bhushan and the Padma Vibhushan. In 2001, he became the third classical musician to be awarded the Bharat Ratna, after M S Subbulakshmi and Pandit Ravi Shankar. Bismillah Khan died of cardiac arrest on August 21, 2006. He was 90. The Government of India declared one day of national mourning on his death, an event unprecedented for any musician.

(remarquez au passage Bismillah Khan était un fumeur, ce qui ne l'a pas empêché de vivre 90 ans !)

et maintenant en duo avec cet autre immense artiste Amjad Ali Khan au Sarod :


comment les extrème-orientaux voyaient les blancs ?

COMME ça  :


*les européens qu'est-ce qu'il remarquent le plus chez les chinois et japonais ? la couleur de peau et, sans doute surtout les yeux bridés. Mais il y a une différence à laquelle ils semble ne pas faire attention, mais qui fut ce que les orientaux remarquèrent le plus : la longeur du nez. Pour les chinois et les japonais, les blancs c'étaient "les barbares au long nez"

Aussi quand un japonais représentait au vers 1600 le dialogue dialogue entre un européen (en l'occurence un jésuite, d'où le costume noir) et un japonais ça donnait ceci. Visiblement le trait le plus marquant chez l'européen c'est son long nez !
(autrement les autres différences, couleur de peau, taille des yeux, et sans doute façon de se tenir en parlant, sont aussi présentes)




nostalgie, nostalgie !

 le lieu, Baiyin, est dans la province du Kan-Sou


architecture métaphysique


