le "Workers Party of Britain" de George Galloway

Ideology and platform

The party identifies as a socialist, working class party, which aims for "a redistribution of wealth and power in favour of working people". It describes itself as "economically radical" and "committed to class politics". It has expressed support for a planned economy. The party's platform is outlined in its 10-point plan, in which it advocates "rebuilding British industry", universal "decent housing", "free or cheap" public transportation and an end to NHS waiting lists. It advocates for referenda on net zero emissions policies and the future of the British monarchy. Its manifesto states: "The transition to a Green economy should be at a pace that matches the ability of our population to afford it. We will not be seduced by the more apocalyptic Green hysteria that floods our media but we will seek rational debate centred on democratically aligned outcomes beneficial to workers".

The party has been defined as socially ("sociétal") conservative, for example rejecting gender self-identification, and party leader George Galloway describes himself as such. Galloway said the party was "the working-class patriotic alternative to fake woke anti-British 'Labour'". In May 2024, Galloway told Novara Media that same-sex relationships are not "normal", while Bolton WPB candidate, Sajid Pathan, refused to comment on this question.

The party is opposed to NATO and European Union membership, with a policy of withdrawing Britain from NATO. In a statement it said it "is unequivocal in its support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and opposition to Zionism as a violently racist ideology".Its website states that the party will "withdraw all military support from war zones and work for a negotiated and peaceful settlement whenever and wherever war breaks out". During the week of Galloway's by-election win, a Workers Party delegation was taking part in the World Festival of Youth in Russia.

During the 2024 general election, the party launched its first election manifesto, with promises to improve "poverty pay" and provide more social housing. It pledges the renationalisation of utility companies, free school meals for all children without means testing, free adult education, and to hold a referendum on the continued existence of the monarchy and proportional representation for elections. The overhaul arts funding was also noted, to make space for working-class communities.

The party has been referred to as "climate sceptical" and as "strongly downplaying the human impact of two hundred years of industrialisation and greenhouse gas emissions" in terms of its stance regarding how to respond to climate change.

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